FREE Australian Real Estate Contract for Sale - Cash or Finance
This is a free Real Estate Contract for Sale - Cash or Finance for use in Australia between a buyer and seller for the sale of certain property.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
This Real Estate Contract for Sale (“Agreement”) is made on [Date] by and between:
[Name], having permanent address at [Address], hereinafter referred as the Purchaser;
[Name], having permanent place of residence at [Address], hereinafter referred as the Seller.
FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION OF AUS $ [Amount] and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, by the Seller, whether one or more, and the Buyer, whether one or more, do hereby covenant, contract and agree as follows:
1. AGREEMENT TO SALE AND PURCHASE: The Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller the property described as follows:
[Complete Description of the Property]
2. Payment: The payment schedule as agreed between the Purchaser and the Seller is as follows:
Purchase Price: [Amount] [Date of Payment]
Earnest Money: [Amount] [Date of Payment]
Seller Financing: [Amount] [Date of Payment]
Cash at Closing: [Amount] [Date of Payment]
Total: [Amount] [Date of Payment]
FINANCING: The following provisions apply with respect to financing:
AUS $ [Amount] CASH SALE: This contract is not contingent on financing.
AUS $ [Amount] OWNER FINANCING: Seller agrees to finance AUS $ [Amount] of the purchase price pursuant to a promissory note from Purchaser to Seller of AUS $ [Amount], bearing [Percentage ]% interest per annum, payable over a term of [Number of years] years with even monthly payments, secured by a deed of trust or mortgage lien with the first payment to begin on the [Date].
4. Purchaser shall be given possession of the property on [Date]. A failure on the part of Seller to transfer possession as specified will not make Seller a tenant of Purchaser, but in such event Seller shall pay to Purchaser AUS $ [Amount] per day as damages for breach of contract and not as rent. All other remedies, which Purchaser may have under law, are reserved to Purchaser.
5. This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State [State], Australia.
Purchaser Seller
Date: Date:
List of Items provided along with Premises
The forms on this site are provided "As-Is." By using these forms you agree that you are using them at your own risk. Most of the free forms are not prepared by a lawyer and may need substantial modification. Additional disclaimers can be found in our Terms of Use.